Thursday, March 18, 2010

Room for Innovation

(note - having some trouble getting this embed to fit, click here to see in full YouTube glory)

Commissioned to create a short doco/promo piece on a new space for teaching Innovation, I thought this would be the perfect time to bring my new HDSLR - the Canon 7D, in to play. There are a lot of workflow considerations to discuss and this piece is intercut with plenty of archival HDV b-roll and the occasional Panasonic AVCHD wide shot (the Panny was also the audio master for the piece), but the cinematic quality of the new cam provided production values higher than I ever expected, even though I've run a few jobs on this same platform with the Canon T1i, which I shot with strictly to get better low-light perfomance.

SO, can ya tell which shots we stretched on? Fun ;-)