The recording feature is in beta, but phone recording is perhaps one of the easiest ways to acquire audio for your podcast and this new company has a free service (you'll pay a toll charge to dial in to the 619 area code at the moment) for connecting conference callers, which would work great for distance interviews or simply simplifying your podcast recording.
Rondee CEO Andre Vanier talks to Robert Scoble in his latest, and typically (occasionally painfully) unedited/raw vids for PodTech. Note to Robert: if you're going to spend all that time on the graphics, would a few edits kill you?
Friday, December 28, 2007
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Bethlehem Steel
A few images (pulled from video in my room at the historic Hotel Bethlehem, pardon the resolution) from this week's doc shoot at Bethlehem Steel, perhaps one of the most amazing feats of human engineering I've ever experienced. It's not every day you get to wear a hard-hat to work; thanks Charlie! (and thanks to the Smiththsonian's National Museum of Industrial History for the tour).

Monday, November 19, 2007
Monday, November 12, 2007
Converting files using iTunes
Sending audio files can be a cumbersome task. I edit a lot of dialog that’s delivered via FTP, YouSendIt, etc., and have found the following process can make the task a bit easier on the uploader. In this "lesson", we'll take a fairly cumbersome WAV file, and convert it to a more manageable MP3 file that retains most of the quality of the original, using iTunes:
1. Open iTunes, then from the top Menu select Edit, then Preferences… (the keyboard shortcut for Apple is Command + “,”, for PC it’s CTRL + “,”)

Click the “Advanced” Tab, and then select the “Importing” Tab in the menus below the top row of tab options.

The second option in this menu is “Import Using:” – from the drop-down menu, select “MP3 Encoder”:

Immediately below, select a “Setting” option. For dialog, I recommend “Higher Quality (192 kbps)”:

Click OK at the bottom to save these settings.
Now, iTunes knows what to do, but we’ll also have to tell it WHERE to do it.
Import your file to iTunes; the easiest way to do this is to find the file and drag it into the iTunes interface. Depending on your settings, this will either
Make a copy of the file or add it to the iTunes index. Either way, this isn’t too important for today’s lesson.
OK, now your file is in iTunes:

Right-click the file (command-click on a Mac) and from the menu select “Convert Selection to MP3”. Once you click, the operation begins…

And when the operation is finished, you end up with a copy of the original file, with much smaller file size. The quality is only slightly diminished and for most dialog work, wouldn’t be noticed at all!

(Still having problems finding the file to FTP, email or YouSendIt? Just right –click the new MP3 and select “Show in Windows Explorer”).
1. Open iTunes, then from the top Menu select Edit, then Preferences… (the keyboard shortcut for Apple is Command + “,”, for PC it’s CTRL + “,”)

Click the “Advanced” Tab, and then select the “Importing” Tab in the menus below the top row of tab options.

The second option in this menu is “Import Using:” – from the drop-down menu, select “MP3 Encoder”:

Immediately below, select a “Setting” option. For dialog, I recommend “Higher Quality (192 kbps)”:

Click OK at the bottom to save these settings.
Now, iTunes knows what to do, but we’ll also have to tell it WHERE to do it.
Import your file to iTunes; the easiest way to do this is to find the file and drag it into the iTunes interface. Depending on your settings, this will either
Make a copy of the file or add it to the iTunes index. Either way, this isn’t too important for today’s lesson.
OK, now your file is in iTunes:

Right-click the file (command-click on a Mac) and from the menu select “Convert Selection to MP3”. Once you click, the operation begins…

And when the operation is finished, you end up with a copy of the original file, with much smaller file size. The quality is only slightly diminished and for most dialog work, wouldn’t be noticed at all!

(Still having problems finding the file to FTP, email or YouSendIt? Just right –click the new MP3 and select “Show in Windows Explorer”).
Thursday, November 08, 2007
Embassy Kitchens
From the archives: I had the fun pleasure of working as production manager on this pilot that, in truth, never went anywhere. Found this vid as I was cleaning off an old drive last night and thought I should put it somewhere I can't lose it (again). Aside from getting to meet Jeanne Moreau and Mayor Williams, the real highlight was spending the full day at the Ambassador's Residence in the company of their wonderful staff, and the special lunch the kitchen prepared for the crew. Best Craft Services - Ever. My favorite line, of course, is "This carpet drink the most vodka in the world!"
So why didn't it go anywhere? Mostly because you wouldn't believe how hard it can be to get clearance to film in an embassy, even in the kitchen. Shooting the pilot (for a French producer)was a cinch - getting other locations? Not so easy.
Monday, October 29, 2007
Hoos TV
I haven't placed much of my broadcast work on this blog. This summer I had the opportunity to co-direct (with UVA's Rob Smith) a few new image spots for The University. If you're watching any UVA Football or Basketball this year, you'll be seeing these.
Go Hoos!
UVA Faculty:
UVA Students:
Go Hoos!
UVA Faculty:
UVA Students:
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Riding the HughTrain

I ran way behind on work yesterday as I had the good luck/bad luck of having a trip canceled last minute - but I was able to sneak in to the Online Marketing Update @ Darden and meet both Rick Klau of Google (né Feedburner), and Hugh MacLeod of Special for me as I had the good fortune to work with Feedburner prior to the Google acquisition, and Hugh's blog is a daily read of mine. Both gave great talks, and Rick's overview of RSS - in a sophisticated, "what it means to your brand" context, dovetailed quite elegantly with Hugh's discussion of the Social Object in the context of marketing and, more importantly, customer relationships.
First point observed: being a cartoonist really spices up your PowerPoint.
Second point observed: don't assume that your audience understands RSS, and don't go too deep in attempting to explain the technology. When necessary, set aside four minutes to show your audience the wonderfully simple video, RSS in Plain English.
Next point (from both speakers) is the importance and benefit of being engaged in the conversation with your customers. This resonated with me, and the work we’ve been doing with PodSquad, because I grew up watching my father foster first-name relationships with his customers in his retail clothing stores; Rick realizes (and demonstrated) the value in continuing this practice in the online medium, and Hugh detailed the successes his clients and partners have experienced doing the same.
Hugh abstracted the concept of the "Social Object", which he explains, in my opinion, as clearly as can be done. Where Hugh is gaining traction in this theory is in the thesis of his talk: "Web 2.0 was invented circa 1917 in the South Pacific". His point isn’t 1917 – it’s that this is when modern anthropologists began documenting the importance of interpersonal relationships. In the marketing world, it boils down to very personal commercial interactions – in other words, every relationship is personal.
So this takes me to the next step and, likely, what will be the next entry here: how, exactly, does podcasting play into all of this? Not to mention another question was raised in one of our sessions: what makes a good podcast? I think they are one and the same: I/we were optimistic at the outset of this endeavor that this medium (the social web), and the podcast audience, represent an opportunity to return marketing communications (especially of a multimedia nature, which is simply our specialty) to the honest conversation of the most primitive commercial interactions. It gives both parties a chance to learn and to do better, and to participate in a Virtuous Circle of growth.
We still haven't asnwered the question that applies to PodSquad though: What makes a good podcast? I have some thoughts on that and would be happy to include yours.
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
It's on: Innovation Challenge 2007

Chic Thompson was in the studio to shoot this video invitation to the 2007 Innovation Challenge, final rounds to be held at Darden in November of 2007. I had covered this event doc-style last year and was looking forward to doing some fun (and useful) work with that footage in anticipation of the upcoming event. Some of that work appears here, but more of it (with context) will be coming out soon in a series of video podcasts we put together to help teams sharpen their skills in brainstorming and presentation.
What was fun about this piece was the idea I stole for the backdrop. Yep, I said it, and freely admit, that this was an instance of Picasso's axiom "Good artists copy. Great artists steal." I've been watching a lot of Sundance Channel's "The Green" and loved these talking head shots:

The wide, "behind the scenes" shot used in the same piece revealed that this wasn't a chroma setup, but simply a projector sitting on the floor hitting a white paper background. Since we had zero time for post on our Innovation Challenge piece, we had to pull off everything in-camera and this seemed a great way to do it.
This idea, thanks to the fact that we had a great PhotoShop artist on staff at the time, took just an hour or so to set up (with appropriate time given to tweak the lighting for the talent) and I couldn't be more pleased with the result. The funny thing is, if this had been suggested to me verbally, I would have dismissed the idea immediately - a way of thinking I try to avoid, but we all have our personal traps, especially when it comes to creative. Anyway, in the upcoming Video Podcasts you'll learn how to avoid that trap, and many others.
Victoria's background plate, for the record, was this:

And again, for comparison:

It's amazing how the background shifted blue in the shot - but it was another fortunate, "just go with it" thing - the kind of thing it helps to stay open to!
Monday, August 27, 2007
The Panic of 1907

Shot in the Studio at Darden, we went for the "Movie Junket" look - a decision arrived at as soon as the poster arrived ;-)It was a real treat to read a book over the weekend and then have the opportunity to sit and pick the author's brain on-camera.
(by the way, the book is a great read - check it out here)
Monday, July 09, 2007
Look3: A Huge Success
Charlottesville's Downtown Mall was transformed this summer by the amazing photography of Nick Nichols, and for three days (June 7-9) we had the pleasure of welcoming thousands of photogs and three very special guests to the Paramount Theater. Walking on the mall over that weekend you felt like you were suddenly in a different country - kind strangers from around the world descended on our hometown, and it seemed like every other person had beautiful new M8 slung around their neck.
We shot HDV (1080i) on four rented Sony HVR-Z1U's; my first work with that format. The few bits we've looked at (out of 32+ hours of interview footage and 16+ hours of on-the-street tapes!) seem to befit the subject - the color is great in the theater, the images sharp and detailed but very kind to the subjects. Even with nearly no prep time, the camera menus were easy to navigate and the displays were clear, providing a great deal of confidence without clutter. Even in low-light audience shots the noise was quite acceptable and I'm looking forward to seeing how far we can push some of that in post. We just picked up the Canon (XH-A1) flavor of this camera at work and I'm looking forward to shooting our first project with it next month, a series of video podcasts for the Batten Institute.
Many thanks to our sponsors at National Geographic, Apple, and Canon (and I'm sure there are many more) as well as the numerous wonderful volunteers that helped make this event happen. The end product? The festival returns for Round Two next summer. In terms of the video, I'll definitely post when there's an answer on that, but right now there is a whole lotta footage to sift through. Definitely look for DVD's in time for next year's festival. Likely too, some broadcast versions of the wonderful interviews. I'm crossing my fingers on that one. Stay Tuned!
Some other cool festival pix, done by what looks like real photographers:

Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Bart Cleveland: How Small Agencies can Think Big

Bart’s unique approach to creative solutions has made him a sought-after speaker and creative show judge across the country. His work has received hundreds of awards for creativity both nationally and internationally including The One Show, CA, D&AD, and Clios.
Bart is frequently published in the advertising industry’s most highly regarded publications, including Communication Arts, Creativity, and One, a magazine. His industry perspective is often cited in business publications such as Fortune and Advertising Age. He is a writer for Advertising Age’s Small Agency Diary blog. Bart is a frequent guest lecturer at many of the country’s leading advertising creative schools and sits on the advisory board for the Creative Circus Advertising School in Atlanta. He is a frequent guest speaker at advertising clubs across the country.
Bart is a “Southern” guy with a gritty wit and edgy perspective. He is a popular interviewee because he says what he thinks (for better or worse) and loves to play devil’s advocate.
Listen to the Interview
(Length: 32:13, Size: 14.7 MB)
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Friday, June 15, 2007
You wish you worked for this guy

Bobbin has a fascinating discussion with Dr. Robert Sutton, author of the New York Times bestseller "The No Asshole Rule: Building a Civilized Workplace and Surviving One That Isn't". Bobbin and Robert discuss the genesis of the book, how to deal with, erm, difficult people and clients, why audacious book titles need to also be accompanied with great content, the most asshole-ish thing he's ever done—and more.
Fortunately, all of my clients are fabulous.
No A**holes here.

It's nice to get an award, especially when you didn't know the work had been submitted. The Darden BusinessCast has received a Gold Hermes in the Podcast category!
Congrats to Ken and the rest of the crew I've worked with on this show over the last year. If you want some behind the scenes info on the show, don't miss the Case Study we did on it a few months ago.
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Experienced (have you ever been?)

It's a must-hear. Here.
I've seen Jim's presentation, and it's fantastic. There's something for everyone in this show.
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Does your voice need more than... a voice?

My morning RSS reads took me to the (relatively) new Odiogo Voice App (thanks to The Official Lair of Daniela). Odigo claims:
Turn readers into listeners, and transform your blog into a high quality, ad-supporting broadcast that can vastly expand your audience reach!
- Automatic podcast generation
- “Near-human” quality text-to-speech
- Drag-and-drop integration on your blog
- Detailed download statistics
- Make money from embedded ads
- Leverages RSS feeds of all blogging platforms such as Typepad and Blogger
Love the "Near-human" voice. Love the automagic nature of converting text to voice. Love that I can listen to your blog while I'm cruising the highway. Well, at least I love the idea.
What strikes me almost immediately is the subtle, yet severe difference in writing for voice vs. print. The Odiogo reader sounds good - don't get me wrong - it just doesn't sound quite right. I can tell in the first sentence or two that, while this is being read well, it was written to be read - but not read to the reader or audience.
Take the example of how even the best book requires the intermediate step of going to a screenplay before it can be produced for film. It's not because it has to be trimmed down to 100 pages - it's because people just don't talk that way (notice I didn't say speak that way - Odiogo speaks fairly well). The auteur is generally a master of her medium, and understands that when you have a book (or a blog) in hand, the audience will bend their mind to that way of "listening". When you're really listening (with your earholes), you expect it to be natural, to be involving, perhaps to be conversational - all things one can pull off in print just as well, but have to be pulled off... differently.
Some of the best print writers I've known have had trouble making the jump to broadcast (and now, podcasting) for this very reason. It's not for lack of great ideas and strong creativity, but working under the assumption that the delivery (one's voice) isn't nearly as important as the package being delivered.
The good news for writers is that the fix is easy: practice, practice, practice. Unfortunately, a robot can't get you there (yet), but if you're trying and it's not working, you'll be able to hear it.
There's a lot more to be said about Voice, but in the voice of a blog, my gut tells me that I should keep it short.
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Scott Donaton: AdAge Stripped Naked

Follow the amazing career and insight of industry reporter-turned-editor-turned-publisher Scott Donaton of Advertising Age, Creativity, and - all part of The Ad Age Group, the world’s leading source of news, information and data on advertising, marketing and media. In this phenomenal interview Scott and Sally discuss everything from the inner workings and strategy of the group's publications to what it takes to get your story in Ad Age, along with interesting reflections from the intersection of Madison and Vine.
Topics include how AdAge faces the same obstacles as the companies it reports on, the insider scoop on how to pitch stories, and what it takes to become the next Crispin Porter + Bogusky. (Scott even submits to a pop quiz on agency mission statements.) Working on this show was a blast, and guaranteed, you'll learn a lot about the business of publishing AND advertising from the listen.
Listen Here.
Friday, April 20, 2007
Wiffiti: file under I wish I'd thought of it
Thanks Jayne for turning me on to this.
From the Wiffiti website:
A new technology called Wiffiti is spreading across the country, enabling people to send text messages to large flat panel displays in social venues such as cafes, bars and clubs. Wiffiti is grounded upon the premise that sending messages to a public screen rather than a private phone will resonate with both the location and its community.
Messages sent to Wiffiti screens are also visible... more
From the Wiffiti website:
A new technology called Wiffiti is spreading across the country, enabling people to send text messages to large flat panel displays in social venues such as cafes, bars and clubs. Wiffiti is grounded upon the premise that sending messages to a public screen rather than a private phone will resonate with both the location and its community.
Messages sent to Wiffiti screens are also visible... more
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
We Are Virginia Tech

Thanks, Nikki.
"We are better than we think, and not quite what we want to be... we will prevail... we are Virginia Tech."
Monday, April 16, 2007

Our friends at Beyond Madison Avenue have been voted Jaffe's M(ost)V(aluable)B(log). Love the blog, love working on the podcast with Jaynie.K and big ups on the blog bling. All well deserved!
more details from Mr. Jaffe:
add to your daily feed:
Sunday, April 15, 2007
Recording Skype Calls for Podcasts

I'm going to take a moment to rave about a product some of our clients are using to record their Skype calls for podcasts. It's called Call Recorder ( and what's wonderful about this product is that it records each side of the call in a separate channel, which makes editing, sweetening and cleanup a breeze. The output of the recording sessions is a MOV file, and the good folks at Ecamm also make a few free utilities for extracting the audio so you can work with it in the app of your choice.
So yes, it's a great product - moderately priced, works as promised and is highly effective. What makes it an amazing product, though, is the support you get from folks like Glen (see above). I usually only have time to send my dumb questions to tech support on the weekends, so I was amazed to get such a quick response to my question on a Saturday afternoon (I had fallen into an old habit converting some files and forgot that, yes, one does need to use the Ecamm "Split Tracks" utility to get the call files split as needed).
So Glen, thanks for the great product and the wonderful support. I promised I'd rave about it, and here you go ;-)
Sunday, April 08, 2007
Good Experience, Live!

Our latest edit for the Naked Career.
Widely credited for popularizing "customer experience" online, Mark Hurst has worked since the birth of the Web to make Internet technology easier to use. In 2002, Hurst was named "one of the 1,000 most creative individuals in the U.S." in Richard Saul Wurman's book 1000. InfoWorld magazine named Hurst Netrepreneur of the Year in 1999.
Mark Hurst is the founder and host of the Gel conference (Good Experience Live), which was first held on May 2, 2003 in New York City. Gel 2007 will be held on Thursday and Friday, April 19-20, 2007 in New York City.
Hurst is also known for founding Creative Good, the world's first user experience consulting firm, which he runs with Phil Terry in New York City.
Hurst's Good Experience newsletter has tens of thousands of subscribers worldwide. (Sign up for free.) The Good Experience newsletter and Gel conference are owned by Hurst's and Terry's media company, Good Experience, Inc.
Friday, March 30, 2007
Welcome Back! Go Away!
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
Naked and Sticky

(via RTZ) What is the common ground between the Kentucky Fried Rat urban legend and JFK’s Man on the Moon speech? They both stuck.
Some ideas — a great book, a worthy public health initiative, a history lesson — sometimes have a hard time succeeding in the world. Meanwhile, some shoddy ideas — urban legends, product slogans, rumors — often succeed with no trouble at all. Why? Why do some ideas work while others don’t?
In this interview, Sally explores stickiness with Dan Heath, author of MADE TO STICK: Why Some Ideas Survive and Others Die. Dan shares why some ideas stick, and how you can make your own ideas stick, too.
Listen here.
Thursday, February 22, 2007
Wednesday, February 14, 2007

You’ve read his books. You’ve read his blog. Now hear it straight from the Purple Cow’s mouth. In this exclusive interview, Seth has strong words and big ideas for how advertising needs to change, pronto.
Seth is a bestselling author, entrepreneur and agent of change.
Godin is author of seven books that have been bestsellers around the world and changed the way people think about marketing, change and work. Permission Marketing was an Top 100 bestseller for a year and a Fortune Best Business Book, and it spent 4 months on the BusinessWeek bestseller list. It also appeared on the New York Times business book bestseller list.
Check it out here. Great insider perspective from Sally here as well.
Thursday, February 08, 2007
Mad (Money) Jib Shot
Every now and then you need to get out of the studio. Kinda.
Good friend Victoria gaf-taped a mini-DV cam to the jib just prior to a rehearsal. The Director and I (unwittingly, if not handsomely) show off our thinning hair in the foreground of the first audience sweep. Doug, Jib op and owner of Bird's Eye Crane and Victoria are the first voices you hear. Doug did a brilliant job during the show.
Good friend Victoria gaf-taped a mini-DV cam to the jib just prior to a rehearsal. The Director and I (unwittingly, if not handsomely) show off our thinning hair in the foreground of the first audience sweep. Doug, Jib op and owner of Bird's Eye Crane and Victoria are the first voices you hear. Doug did a brilliant job during the show.
Friday, February 02, 2007
Case Study published on FeedBurner

The FeedBurner Case Study is up! My thanks to Jessica at FeedBurner who put in a lot of effort to make this happen.
A little dryer than I would tend to make a podcast, I think this one gives some good info on how a podcast can help an organization reach the market in a win-win kind of way. Ken White of the Darden School also gives a great interview on some simple things you can do to push through a new marketing initiative like blogging, podcasting, etc.
Again, big ups to FeedBurner. If you're not using them, check out their site to see what they can do for your feed. it's pretty amazing stuff.
Maybe we should do more of these?
Listen Here.
and for all of our friends and family in Chicago - Go Bears!
Saftey First: Always Wear your Podcasting Helmet

Highly entertaining - give it a listen!
Talkin' 'bout Boston

Just finished editing a great show from Danny G at Talent Zoo on the beantown fiasco (and much more). Jeff Chester, executive director of the Center for Digital Democracy, has some wonderful insights into where it all goes wrong and how things are changing for marketers. Listen Here.
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Case Study: Darden BusinessCast

Another Draft for the upcoming Feedburner case study - what was interesting to me about this is how the creative team of a large institution can put "boutique" services like Feedburner (although Feedburner certainly offers enterprise-class services as well) to help them work around the red tape so often present in a large organization. I also just wrapped a great interview that will be included in this podcast - we'll let you know when it's posted. Here's the script so far:
So what if you work in a large institution, you've got the go-ahead on a podcasting initiative, and your IT department is handling the considerable effort of maintaing the back-end support services? I also spoke to some of the folks who produce the Darden School's Business Cast, and found some not-too surprising challenges.
Given the show's success as a key part of the school's communications strategy it's not surprising to find that the program receives input and support from resources throughout the school, not the least of which comes from the IT department who acts as the web host for the audio files. However if you've ever worked with an IT department in a large institution you surely know and likely understand that access to webserver details and statistics are heavily guarded by permissions and security settings, and for good reasons. On of the initial problems the creative team at the Darden school ran into was getting meaningful statistics on the show.
While they were working with the web team to figure out a way to get the on-demand statistical feedback they were also investigating Feedburner as an option to solve the problem of browser-unfriendly RSS files. After burning their feed to solve this problem they pleasantly discovered that their feedburner account was supplying them the stats they had been seeking, and they could get full accounts of show activity without having to trouble the IT Staff. The Darden creative team also enabled email-subscription to their feed and are able to see who amongst their various constituencies is subscribing to the show.
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Case Study: Canine Campus
I'm currently working on a few case-studies for a Feedburner podcast and thought this would be a good place to share a rough draft (comments welcome). Will post part two when that's done, and well as give you a link to the finished show when we have it!
Canine Campus is a local dog-training organization with a global reach. Deven began the show in March 2006, has been releasing new material on a monthly basis and in under a year has brought in over 10,000 listens with little active promotion outside of listing the program in the iTunes podcast directory. The initial goal for Deven was to basically spread the gospel of positive reinforcement dog training in a similar method to the email list her company was running at the time.
One of the problems any small enterprise faces on a regular basis is the challenge of resources – time taken to create promotions takes time away from revenue-generating opportunities, but opportunities become limited if you're not running some kind of active public campaign to get your name out. Canine Campus faced the challenge of promoting its classes and seminars while fulfilling its core mission of educating the public on the benefits of positive-reinforcement training. Having faced the challenges of operating an email campaign and keeping a website updated with fresh content to promote the mission was conflicting with time resources allocated for simply running the business.
So the canine campus podcast began as a bit of an experiment, the first three episodes created as self-contained program recommended to all of their new students to help them prepare for strong start to a new course – outlining the philosophy and science that motivated Deven's training techniques. The episodes got positive feedback not only from students who were preparing for their first training course but from trainers and students around the world that holds an interest in the subject.
The challenge at this stage was how Canine Campus could continue to maintain a website and an active email campaign while taking on the additional responsibilities of creating a regular podcast, and if you're a feedburner user you probably already recognize some of the solutions they might have used. After doing a little research to see how they might leverage the effort they were placing in the podcast toward other requirements for their ongoing work, CanineCampus employed Feedburner's FeedFlare to automatically transfer the text entries they were entering on their Libsyn-hosted podcast site to the main page of the Canine Campus Website. With a simple piece of code they were able to assure that as they entered content into their podcast-hosting system is would show up automatically on their home page.
A surprise benefit CanineCampus discovered was that Feedburner offers a related service for managing email subscriptions and content. Where the company had been placing 16-20 man hours per month toward the management and publication of their growing email program, utilizing Feedburner's Email Subscription program automated the process of converting their blog content directly to HTML emails, automatically sending new posts out as they're published, and all according to the user's individual preferences.
The benefit has not been hard to track – for a small company, the savings of several day's work per month has given Deven more time to work on the podcast and the content, and taken the testing and leg-work out of the delivery process. You can listen to more of the canine campus podcast by visiting, and my thanks to Deven Gaston for detailing some of her experience for us.
Canine Campus is a local dog-training organization with a global reach. Deven began the show in March 2006, has been releasing new material on a monthly basis and in under a year has brought in over 10,000 listens with little active promotion outside of listing the program in the iTunes podcast directory. The initial goal for Deven was to basically spread the gospel of positive reinforcement dog training in a similar method to the email list her company was running at the time.
One of the problems any small enterprise faces on a regular basis is the challenge of resources – time taken to create promotions takes time away from revenue-generating opportunities, but opportunities become limited if you're not running some kind of active public campaign to get your name out. Canine Campus faced the challenge of promoting its classes and seminars while fulfilling its core mission of educating the public on the benefits of positive-reinforcement training. Having faced the challenges of operating an email campaign and keeping a website updated with fresh content to promote the mission was conflicting with time resources allocated for simply running the business.
So the canine campus podcast began as a bit of an experiment, the first three episodes created as self-contained program recommended to all of their new students to help them prepare for strong start to a new course – outlining the philosophy and science that motivated Deven's training techniques. The episodes got positive feedback not only from students who were preparing for their first training course but from trainers and students around the world that holds an interest in the subject.
The challenge at this stage was how Canine Campus could continue to maintain a website and an active email campaign while taking on the additional responsibilities of creating a regular podcast, and if you're a feedburner user you probably already recognize some of the solutions they might have used. After doing a little research to see how they might leverage the effort they were placing in the podcast toward other requirements for their ongoing work, CanineCampus employed Feedburner's FeedFlare to automatically transfer the text entries they were entering on their Libsyn-hosted podcast site to the main page of the Canine Campus Website. With a simple piece of code they were able to assure that as they entered content into their podcast-hosting system is would show up automatically on their home page.
A surprise benefit CanineCampus discovered was that Feedburner offers a related service for managing email subscriptions and content. Where the company had been placing 16-20 man hours per month toward the management and publication of their growing email program, utilizing Feedburner's Email Subscription program automated the process of converting their blog content directly to HTML emails, automatically sending new posts out as they're published, and all according to the user's individual preferences.
The benefit has not been hard to track – for a small company, the savings of several day's work per month has given Deven more time to work on the podcast and the content, and taken the testing and leg-work out of the delivery process. You can listen to more of the canine campus podcast by visiting, and my thanks to Deven Gaston for detailing some of her experience for us.
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